Friday, April 13, 2007

Another Vacation Heard From

I have the toughest time coming up with titles for my entries. At school, I make my students come up with ten title ideas for their writing. I don't remember where I read that, but after the kids write down the four or five basic boring titles, they really have to stretch themselves creatively and numbers 6-8 are usually stellar. It has helped liven up their titles tremendously. I tried it today, and lucky title #7 (my favorite number) was the winner.

I'm going to list my title choices, since I will hopefully be using this blog to help me in the classroom:
1) Update
2) Time to Update
3) Long Time, No Write
4) Another Country Heard From
5) Lots to Say
6) Another State Heard From
7) Another Vacation Heard From
8) Las Vegas
9) Gambling with the Family (Yes, I am reaching at this point! I doubt I'd use this in the classroom...)
10) Family Time in Las Vegas

At school last week, the subject of blogs came up. Another teacher said, "You know, I just don't understand it. All those people who are so self-absorbed and write about the details of their lives for other people to read." Of course, I didn't admit that I had started a blog. What I should have said was, "Well, I don't write for other people, I write for myself. I have never had any luck keeping a journal or a diary. At this point, I have written more and for longer than I ever have before. I also find it a great way to keep up with people that I don't talk to as often as I should." I didn't write for a few days, in part because of her comment. I didn't have anything interesting enough to post and keep others entertained with. Then, of course, I remembered that I am posting for myself, not other people.

I have pictures to update with as well- of the front walk, the vacation, and Science Fair. I'll be on again later today or tomorrow. I love vacations!

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At 5:25 PM, Blogger Amie said...

I hate coming up with titles too.

I also like using my blog as a journal, I can now look back at almost three years of my life. Many times when I look back in my archives I realize I already forgot some of the funny things the boys have said/did.


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