Friday, October 31, 2008

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

The school board has made minimal cuts... and discussed, and discussed, and discussed. There will likely be more teacher layoffs next week (for January). The news is that I should be safe... We'll see.

There has been an absence of activity here lately. Much of it is due to the fact that I'm back in school. Along with that, I've played on a soccer team, am playing volleyball, am taking a photography class, and coaching diving 4 hours a week. The main reason, though, is that I have a new camera! I love to post pictures, and the obstacles of figuring out the camera have slowed my picture-taking.

I've wanted a nice camera for a long time, and for my birthday/graduation Dave and his parents got me a nice SLR camera. Now I'm trying to learn how to use it... On top of that, we have a new computer. Dave won some money at a research competition and bought a Mac. I am still adjusting. I loved my old PC, and knew the ins and outs of it. I've had trouble downloading and saving photos... so hopefully I'll get better at it.

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