What a Night
Things I've internalized tonight (I would say learned, but some of these things are apparently taking more than one experience to actually learn from):
1) Unpack everything completely after a trip in a timely manner
2) Kids get sick a lot
3) Usually they get sick when you are also sick, or at another inconvenient time
4) When you need something urgently for a sick child, you will have to go to four stores to get it
5) When you do find said item, buy enough that you will have a supply in many places
6) If you send your husband for something urgent, it is a given that he won't accomplish the task
7) Target is the best store on Earth
Ben is sick. Again. There is a recall on Tylenol and Advil, of course, so no stores are carrying medicine. A week ago I had to run out to get medicine, and went to three stores. Unfortunately, I only bought one bottle of medicine. Today, when we needed it again, it was nowhere to be found. In addition, our thermometer isn't working. Dave says that it could be because he immersed it in water. He went to buy batteries for it. Those didn't work. He went to buy a new thermo
A picture to show why I go through all of this:
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