Monday, March 17, 2008

Missing Rooster

Dave's parents came up this weekend to help paint the basement and take Rooster to Chicago. He'll be there for two weeks while we're in Italy. He stayed there over our honeymoon, which was ten days, but we've never been without him since we've had the house. It's weird.

I get up in the morning and go to let him out. Then I open the cabinet to get his food. Oops, I better pick up that Cheerio because Rooster isn't here to eat it. I opened the bathroom door after my shower and expected to see him get up from watching the door. I go to say good-bye to Dave, not having to protect myself from Rooster being protective. I miss his bark as I walk out the door (hey, he is a herder). Getting home and not having him bounce all over, not putting him out, talking to myself because he's not around . . . you get the picture. :(

Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day (I'm so confused by people saying it wasn't really today). I have been sick for a week and a half, postponing my visits to my uncle, who is in the hospital but doing well. Now I am coughing up a lung. Bronchitis is not a good thing to have when you're leaving the country in two days.

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